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Sakamaki Extraordinary Lectures
This summer’s Sakamaki Extraordinary Lectures support Outreach College’s Sustain Your Brain initiative. In presentations by scholars, policy makers and practitioners from the public and private sectors, as well as those representing opposing viewpoints, the lecture series will provide a multi-dimensional examination of Hawai‘i’s progress in the development of clean and renewable energy.

Opening Lecture—
Wednesday, May 20, 7:00pm
UHM Architecture Auditorium, Free

“Kilowatt Ours”
a film by Jeff Barrie

“The Sky’s the Limit: Energy Opportunities for Hawai‘i”
A presentation from Darren Kimura of Sopogy, Inc.

Click here for details about all the Sakamaki Extraordinary Lectures.

Funded in part by the Shunzo Sakamaki Extraordinary Lecture Endowment and the Hawai‘i Energy Policy Forum’s Koaniani Fund, both at the University of Hawai‘i Foundation.